Treating Kids’ Tooth Sensitivity after Filling

A dental visit is a regular event. However, you might not find this event quite relieving if you or your kids get sensitive teeth after it. It is pretty common to have tooth sensitivity after filling. A survey suggests that 27% of the children get cavities before and at the age of 5. And it is worth mentioning that filling can be placed in the baby teeth too. So, it is pretty common for the children to have sensitive teeth after getting filling. In this scenario, you can make things easier for your kids by knowing what to expect.

Preparing your child

Getting preparing for the first dental filling is a huge step for everyone. But you need to make sure that you do not talk too much about the procedure’s significance when you are preparing your kid. And you will also have to make sure that you are not using the words like ‘needle’, ‘drill’ and ‘sharp’ when you are telling your kid about the dental filling. Let the dentist explain procedure to your kid. They are quite experience in conveying the right details while making sure that they are not instilling dental anxiety in the patient’s mind.


Administration of anesthesia is an important step before the dental filling procedure. Pediatric dentists also use nitrous oxide oxygen to help calm your kid prior to the procedure. The dentist may choose to administer general anesthesia in case the kid has the special needs or he/she has extreme dental anxiety. One thing to ensure here is that the anesthesia is being administered by a qualified staff.

Things to expect during treatment

A typical procedure of dental filling completes in an hour. If there is more than one tooth to fill, the dentist may suggest multiple dental visits.

During the treatment, the dentist generally uses “tell-show-do” technique in order to clear any scary concepts the young patient may have about the treatment. The dentist may even provide short breaks to keep the patient calm.

Post treatment care

It is normal for the teeth to have sensitivity after filling. However, this sensitivity can be specifically painful for the children. The pain is mainly due to swelling. However, this swelling should not last for more than 2 days. Prolonged swelling could mean allergic response to anesthesia. In this scenario, a follow-visit to the dentist becomes a necessity.

Post treatment care for your child could include the following.

  • Make sure to monitor swelling after the treatment for two days.
  • Give your child soft foods until the swelling and sensitivity doesn’t go away.
  • Make sure that your child is not sipping drinks using straw.
  • Use cold compress on the area frequently.
  • Child should not engage in intense physical activity for about two days after the treatment.
  • After things get back to normal, consider taking your kid to the dentist for dental sealant.

These above mentioned steps should help your child in remaining away from the pain and discomfort after the filling.

What to know About Gum treatments

One thing that many Roseburg dentists stress on their patience is why you should floss and rinse after you brush. Adding these to your dental hygiene routine makes a huge difference in keeping the teeth and gums much healthier. Not only that, it will help to prevent cavities, bad breath, and gum disease from doing a lot of damage to your teeth. It can even help with more serious conditions as you go along, including such problems such as heart disease and other issues as well. Gum treatments are super important, and this article will tell you why.

Now, you might wonder what gum disease is. First of all, it’s in essence the inflammation of the gum line. It’s caused by a buildup of plaque on teeth, which is a sticky substance that forms in our mouths after we eat and drink. This is typically removed by brushing and flossing, but in some cases, it must be cleaned by a professional.

However, if it’s not treated, it can start to affect the bone that supports the teeth. When you’re looking at gum disease, there are three stages: gingivitis, periodontitis, and advanced periodontitis. Typically, if its caught in the early stages, it’ll be reversed. It’s why the professionals will tell you to not only brush and floss all the time, but also encourage you to come in. it isn’t just to check your teeth, but to help you with making sure that you have the best oral health possible. Typically, you might not even realize you have gum disease until a professional tells you, and from there, they have to go in and do a deep cleaning in terms of making sure that everything is treated effectively.

Now, there are some various means to treat gum disease, including surgical and non-surgical options. Typically, depending on the progression of the disease, the dentist will try to use the non-surgical means to treat this. Typically, most of the treatments can be done in one visit, and the gum treatment is usually for someone that has the beginning stages of this. However, once it’s treated, great preventative measures can be taken to help keep oral hygiene and health intact as well.

Now, typically these gum treatments consist of cleaning the root surfaces. This will remove the plaque and the tartar that is built up from the periodontal pockets that are in the mouth. This will also help smoothen out the root area by taking out the toxins. Typically, this is done with a machine that will spray out water into the patient’s mouth in order to fully clean out the gum disease that might still be there, and it is the more effective way. Some dentists do still scrape it manually, but this takes longer, and it definitely isn’t nearly as fun and it definitely takes a lot longer. For some patients, a local anesthetic or even nitrous oxide is given beforehand to help relax them before the procedure is done.

Now, if you’re being treated for a deeper form of gum disease, you might be asked to have an antibiotic regimen to help fight off any bacteria once the gum disease is completed. This is typically done on a case-by-case situation, and in some cases, there might not even be any sort of active treatments needed. However typically ibn all cases, you will soon see the dentist every four or so months in order to get a follow-up on this, to help you ensure that you get the best results possible, and to keep it at bay.

Gum disease is no joke, and it’s important that you take care of it when you can. You should talk to your Roseburg dentist today in order to help you get the best results from this, allowing you as well to get the best and most effective means to treat this. You’ll definitely want to have these results put there, and it will help improve your overall health and wellness as a result. By being smart and taking care of your overall health, you’ll be able to do a whole lot more, allowing you as well to feel better.